Guide: Ice Dams & How They Form

Ok… we know that it’s still fall in Minnesota and no one, NO ONE, wants to talk about winter until well after the last of the trick-or-treating candy has been gobbled up. But… bare with us. We’re on a mission to spread the word about those pretty icicles that form, melt and re-form on your home’s roof line. While they may contribute to the winter wonderland vibes you hold so dear - we’re here to rain, er… snow on your parade. In addition to posing a safety hazard to anyone walking below particularly large icicles, they are also a sign that you have an ice dam problem. In this guide, we’ll explain how ice dams form, so that you can deal with them before your ice dam problem becomes a water-in-your-home problem.


An ice dam is a wall of ice that forms at the edge of the roof, typically at the gutters, soffits and valleys. It’s called a dam because it prevents melting snow from draining into the gutters and off the roof. Check out this helpful diagram to better understand everything that needs to happen for ice dams to form.


  • STEP 1: Heat from the sun, along with escaped indoor heat, warms the peak of the roof to above 32 degrees, and melts the snow.

  • STEP 2: The melted snow at the peak runs down to the edge of the roof, where the temperature is below 32 degrees, and refreezes, forming the ice dam.

  • STEP 3: The ice dam continues to grow larger and larger, to the point that the melted snow behind the ice dam no longer continues to refreeze, but starts to pool behind the ice dam.

  • STEP 4: The pooling water starts to leak under the shingles and past the ice shield into the home, potentially causing major damage.

  • NOTE: Residential roofs are not designed to be waterproof. They are pitched so that snow will slide down and off. An ice dam prevents the melted snow from sliding off the roof, so the only place is has to go is inside the home.

Twin Cities Resurfacing hopes that you found this guide helpful, and looks forward to helping you alleviate your ice dam problems before they turn into a disaster. We will professionally and safely remove your ice dams and/or roof snow, and we promise that you won’t miss the winter wonderland effect they created! Click the link below to get started!